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SISSA's Computing FAQ: Space disks usage

This page is reserved for the users who have an account on the SISSA main cluster and use:

  • a linux workstations at Santorio or
  • a terminal connection (for example using the ssh command) on the access server .

Your main directory (home) on the SISSA main cluster:

After login (when your username and password are accepted) you have access to your main directory (home):
/u/yoursector/yourusername For example: /u/ap/atena
If you change your working directory, you can return to your main directory using the cd command without any additional option or name.
You can use the pwd command to view which is your main directory (the pwd command prints the path of your working directory, the directory where you are currently in).
The main directories (of the SISSA main cluster) of all users are stored on a central filesystem.

Your main directory:
  • is regularly saved (“backed up”);

  • has a space limit: You can check your space usage and limit using the quota command;

  • is reachable from outside SISSA using the ssh command (a Secure Shell remote terminal connection) on (for example: ssh );


  • is also reachable from outside SISSA using a VPN connection on your workstation.

Using the SFTP service, the path of your main directory (home) is a bit different. For more information, please read the section on SFTP access: of the page the new Common Access server instead of


Using the quota command you can check your space usage on your main directory (quota -s to see the values in MB).
For example:

Disk quotas for user yourusername (uid yourUIDnumber):
Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace  files quota limit grace
                     64100  950000 1000000         2381     0     0

- The first number of the last line is the space which you are using.

Soft limit

- The second number (950000) is your soft limit, if you overtake this limit, you will receive an e-mail notification. You have 7 days to reduce your disk space occupation …under the soft limit.
If you do not clean enough your area within 7 day:

  • you will not be able to create o save files…
  • you will not be able to login in graphical mode or …
  • the windows appear different.
Hard limit

- The third number (1000000) is your hard MAXIMUM limit, if you overtake this limit:

  • you will not be able to create o save files…
  • you will not be able to login in graphical mode or …
  • the windows appear different.

When you are overquota - message: Disk quota exceeded - you have to clean your main directory from unneeded files. To avoid this situation, we suggest to compress regularly the files, which you are not using often and to remove the unneeded files. Be careful, “Haste makes waste”.

Check files and directories size

To see how many blocks are used by your directories and files (start first from your main directory):

  • to see information about normal directories and files: du -sk *
  • to see information about hidden directories and files: du -sk .[a-z]*
  • and then du -sk .[A-Z]*

Alternatively to see the space occupied by all subdirectories of your current “ position ” (please note, there are two “ - ” before max-depth):
du –max-depth=1 -k .

If you have a lot of files and directories, you can add at the end of the command “ | more ”                 for example: du -sk * |more

Have you checked the content of your .Trash directory? Use the command:
ls -laR ~/.Trash |more

Change directory

To “ go inside ” a sub-directories to check better the size of its sub-directories and files, hidden or not, use the command:
cd subdirectoryname

To return in you main directory: cd

Remove files

Use carefully the rm command to remove your files especially if use the wildcard characters such as (*) and (?) .
Please note:
the asterisk sign “ * ” can be used to substitute zero or more characters, and question mark (?) a single character.
If you are not sure, PLEASE try using ls command. Some example:
to remove a file: rm filename
to remove files which start with omega: ls omega           then, ONLY if you are sure: rm omega*
If you are very sure about files to remove, you can use “ -f ” option to remove all files in a directory without prompting confirmation before removing any files. For example: rm -f omega*

Local SCRATCH area on your linux workstation

I need to use the local scratch area, may I? How? Is it backed up?

Generally each linux workstation should have a local disk area called “ /scratch
You can write your data here.
Put your files in /scratch/yourusername directory and NOT in /scratch. Therefore, firstly you have to create a subdirectory in the /scratch directory using the following command from a linux shell:
mkdir /scratch/yourusername

Do not put important files in scratch areas, because if the local disk is damaged, we will not be able to recover its contents.
Local directories (for example: /scratch /data /tmp) are never saved (“ backed up ”)!!

For I/O intensive applications (i.e. huge data on input/output files), you are strongly suggested to use the local disk of the workstation where your executable is running and NOT your home directory. Since the latter is accessed by the workstation through the network, the reading and writing procedure could slow down terribly and lower the performance of your application.

vpnimage Please note, there is a NEWS. From the external network you can reach your linux workstation and so reach its /scratch area using the VPN connection.
To use the VPN connection, you should install the VPN client on your laptop, so please read the information on Cisco VPN client installation page.

2011/07/05 23:00

The common SCRATCH area on is reachable from outside SISSA through and

The scratch area on is useful when:

  • you have not enough space on your main directory of the SISSA main cluster due to your quota, and
  • you can not use a VPN connection to reach the local scratch area of your workstation and
  • you need to copy on this area some files (for example from the local scratch area of your workstation) in order to use these files outside internal SISSA network.

An image with the previous explanation.
This is an example of a typical usage of scratch area:

  • 1) do not put your files on /scratch of directly; create first a subdirectory with your username using on this command: mkdir /scratch/yourusername
  • 2) then copy your files from the local scratch area of your workstation to the common scratch area /scratch/yourusername on using scp command.
Keep on /scratch directory of only copies, **do not keep original files, because files older than 30 days will be deleted. All the files in /scratch areas are never saved**!!!!!!!!

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