This is an old revision of the document!

When your SISSA main cluster account will be closed soon

Before your account will be closed, you will receive some warnings.
Warnings before your account expiration date: three months, two months, one month, 14 days, 7 days, 3 days… then daily.
If you need to change your account expiration date, please DO NOT WAIT THE LAST MINUTE; read the page: How to get an account renewal.

You can set the e-mail forwarding service, before the closing of your account,
to receive e-mails sent to your SISSA account at another e-mail address.
During closing account operations, if the forward is set, an automatic program set your forward for 6 months after the expiration date.
After 6 months your forward will be removed and the subsequent mails (sent to your e-mail address@sissa) will be rejected.
The staff can not enable/activate the forward for you.
You can set the forward through the Webmail service at

Please, before leaving SISSA, warn all your contacts that your e-mail address@sissa will cease to exist.

Please note: Other e-mail filter rules (vacation, spam filters...) will not work after account closing.

Your web pages will be visible for about 6 months after the expiration date of your account.
BUT we suggest that you set a REDIRECT to your new web site (if you have one) before the expiration date of your account (after you can not access/modify to your files).

After identifying the files and directory you need to copy, you can use one or more of these ways:

  • copy them –using the scp or sftp commands– on your new working site (possibly not during the “ hot ” hours of the day, the best moments are late evening or very early morning);
  • copy them on CD using the K3b program (not all our workstation have a cdwriter or dvdwriter device). SIS (the computer staff) do not provide CD or DVD for your personal use, please ask to;
  • copy them on your laptop or on your pendrive, if you have it.


  • make always at least 2 copies,
  • check the content of the copied files,
  • keep the copies in different places,
  • ONLY if it is all ok, please remove your files in the local scratch areas before leaving SISSA.

If you need to save your e-mail folders (from our e-mail server), you have to copy them on your directories using THUNDERBIRD.

Drag your folder into Local folder...

  • To copy a folder from imap server to local folders, you have to select and drag a folder in the same Thunderbird window acting on its left sidebar: (on the left sidebar All Folders) select your folder (in the example its name is newinfo) and then drag it to the Local Folders icon/name.

About your local e-mail folders

Are you sure that they are saved in a useful area (not /scratch) on your laptop or in a subdirectory of your home directory?
Do you need to know where they are located to copy them on a CD/DVD later?

  • Select Local Folders icon/name;
  • then select View settings for this account;
  • read/check the content of the Local directory: field

FAQ about copying your e-mails

File extension .msf

Some useful information about files with the extension .msf extracted from these pages:

How do I export e-mail messages to another mail program or computer?

Thunderbird's mail files are in the standard plain text “ mbox ” format, which almost all mail programs can use or import. Many proprietary mail programs have a function to import from Eudora, which also uses the “ mbox ” format; this function should read your Mozilla mail files properly.
Your mail files are inside your profile (see the Profile Folder), in the Mail and (if you use IMAP) ImapMail folders. Each mail folder (Inbox, Sent, etc.) is stored as two files — one with no extension (e.g. INBOX), which is the mail file itself (in “mbox” format), and one with an .msf extension (e.g. INBOX.msf), which is the index (Mail Summary File) to the mail file. Tell the other program to import mail from the file with no extension.
If you want to transfer a mail file to another Mozilla profile or another installation of Mozilla, simply put the mail file into the other installation's Mail folder.

How do I import e-mail messages from another mail program?

Go to Tools > Import, which will bring up a dialog to guide you through the process.

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