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Special accounts for guests (SISSA congresses)

:services:network:sqrman.gif Page under construction, please ignore it.

At least one week before the beginning of the event, the people in charge to organize congresses/meetings have to:

  • provide to hespdesk staff a file in text format (CVS) with some information for each guest (more information in the section File structure on this page);
  • collect and deliver to helpdesk staff all photocopies of the identity cards of passports of each guest (pages/sides with personal data, photo, data identifiers of the document);
  • provide account expiration dates for the congress guests (if there are different expiration dates for guests of the same congress, please generate different files basing on the expiration date of guest accounts, inserting in a file only guest datas with the same expiration account date);
  • provide a short congress name (for example brain2011)

Different usernames and passwords will be provided by SISSA computer staff for each guest.

File structure

Each line of the text file has to contain the information for one guest only.
Format of a line: Surname,Firstname
Please note, use a comma to separate surname and firstname, do not leave blank spaces before and after the comma.

An example of a text file named brain2011.txt, all the guests of this file have the same account expiration date:

 De La Vega,Diego
 Bianchi,Anna Maria

Using a SISSA congress account a guest will be able to access only to external network using his/her laptop, so he/she will not be able to use SISSA internal network resources - for example: SISSA e-mail address, access to printing services, connection to SISSA workstations…

Guest laptop connection on WIRELESS NETWORK

WIRELESS NETWORK - SISSA-Guest - (web unencrypted authentication for web access outside SISSA only). Please note: the wireless network IS NOT available in all Santorio main building.



Guest laptop connection on WIRED NETWORK

WIRED NETWORK: each guest can register his/her laptop using Public Area Port Authentication (802.1X) on SISSA wired network in two ways:

  • obtaining a temporary connection (12 hours) by opening any browser page (you will then be redirect to the temporary authentication page where the guest has to insert the username and password assigned him/her),
  • obtaining a long term authorization to use your laptop on the SISSA network completing the port authentication process. Infos about how to register a laptop for a long term authorization on WIRED network are available at the page: Network Access: DHCP & LAPTOPS REGISTRATION. Please note: pages about LAPTOPS REGISTRATION are not available from outside SISSA network due to security reasons. To connect their laptops, guests are kindly requested to not unplug the network cable from a workstation. For temporary lending of a network cable, please ask helpdesk service (room 114).

??? Congressi con utenti che necessitano di avere una shell per connettersi a ....

stanze con terminali ??

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