This is an old revision of the document!

For any problem about photocopiers, please contact D.Pregarc

There is a plotter (A0 format paper) available, but its use is allowed only to authorized people.

  • To request a print send an email to: there is now an helpdesk ticket queue and authorized people will automatically receive your email.

Please note: To avoid printing unwanted multiple copy of the same documents, you cannot print twice the same document in 10 minutes.

Toner for personal printers: please contact SISSA store (rooms A-S3/A-S2 basement).

You can find paper for printers in the following store rooms (Santorio A building):

floor +1 room 1b floor +2 room 2a floor +3 near room 3a & near printers
floor +4 room 4a floor +6 room 6b floor +7 room 7a

If there is no paper, please send an e-mail to:

Toner & Paper correct RECYCLING

These bins are NO for PACKING MATERIALS or RUBBISH. They are reserved for different recycling waste.
Toner recycling bins are:

  • plastic not perforated green bins (ECO BOX - raccolta differenziata) OR
  • cardboard white bins (cartucce da stampa esauste).

For paper recycling please use plastic perforated bins.
Image of “perforated” bins for PAPER ONLY.
                                                      Image of a paper recycling "perforated" bin

Toner bins position of Building Santorio A
Floorhow manywhere are
-1 1 near mail boxes
.0 2 before library entrance
+1 3 near room 114
+2 3 near room 231
+2 3 near room 213
+3 2 central area
+4 3 central area
+5 3 central area
+6 2 central area
+7 1 right elevators area
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