Schedule your lecture on the SISSA central scheduler. The title of the course, the name of the lecturer and the room number are metadata which will automatically be associated to the recording.

Start recording

  1. Turn on the room by the touchscreen comand panel on the desk. Wait about 1 minute to get all the systems ready;
  2. Connect and switch on the microphone; put it on the desk. CHECK THAT THE MICROPHONE IS ON (BLUE LIGHT) OTHERWISE NO VOICE WILL BE RECORDED;
  3. The videoprojector should be on. Connect the laptop to the VGA cable if you have a presentation to use during your lecture;
  4. Insert your own SISSA badge in the smartcard reader and wait for a short sound signal. If the devices are not yet ready, the system will emit a continuous long sound. The system will retry the check after 10 seconds;
  5. If you have not had any problems with the previous instructions, you can start the lecture.

Stop & Save recording

  1. FIRST OF ALL: remove the badge from the smartcard reader. The system will warn you with a short signal that registration is over.
  2. Switch off the room by the touchscreen comand panel on the desk.
  3. Switch off the microphone.
It is important to turn off the room and the microphone otherwise the recording will not be saved!!

The next day the video will be available on Please ask to helpdesk ( if you need a copy of the recording.

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