a) Open a terminal on your Mac workstation.
Search for the Terminal icon in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and execute it (double click).
Search for the Terminal icon in /Aplications/Utilities/Terminal and execute it (double click)...

To avoid to overwrite unintentionally an existing file of the destination folder/directory, we suggest you to check ALWAYS the file names present in the destination folder/directory.

Copy a file from your laptop to your SISSA workstation.

  • 1) at the prompt write:

scp local_path/file_name_on_your_laptop your-SISSA-username@hostname:dest_path/new_file_name

  • 2) at the prompt write your SISSA password when requested.

For example:
scp fiele_name jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it:~/Desktop/
Be sure about the pathnames and file names...

In that example:
scp fiele_name jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it:~/Desktop/

  • the local_path is the working folder on your laptop, so it is omitted
  • the file_name_on_your_laptop is fiele_name
  • the your-SISSA-username is jsmith
  • the hostname (the name of your SISSA linux workstation) is bluestar.ap.sissa.it
  • the dest_path (destination pathname) is ~/Desktop/ and the file will be copied with the same name (so it is not present a new_file_name).

Copy a file from your SISSA workstation to your laptop

  • 1) at the prompt write:

scp your-SISSA-username@hostname:local_path/file_name dest_path/new_file_name

  • 2) at the prompt write your SISSA password when requested.

For example:
scp jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it:~/Desktop/file_name ~/Desktop
Be sure about the pathnames and file names..

In that example:
scp jsmith@bluestar.ap.sissa.it:~/Desktop/file_name ~/Desktop

  • the your-SISSA-username is jsmith
  • the hostname (the name of your Sissa linux workstation) is bluestar.ap.sissa.it
  • the local_path is the ~/Desktop
  • the file_name is file_name
  • the dest_path (destination_path) is ~/Desktop and the file will be copied with the same name (so the new_file_name is not present).
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