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Software Licenses

In SISSA you can use several types of software: operating systems, scientific SW, compilers and libraries. Some SW is free: on the Linux Workstations you can find the most common scientific and graphic SW (pgplot, SW to burn cdrom, etc.); some SW needs a license: the licenses are maintained by linux (using the Flex License Manager) or Windows servers.
All the following SW, but Windows o.s., Office and the Antivirus ones, are available only if you are working inside the SISSA network.

Software Number of Network licenses License Server Available Platforms
Microsoft Campus Agreement (compreensive of Windows and Office) only for adm. or scient. Staff No Server needed Windows, Mac (office)
Trend Micro Antivirus 251 Windows (only SISSA computers/laptop)
Autocad MAP 10 (contemporaneous) Windows
Scientific Software Number of Network licenses License Server Available Platforms
Mathematica 5.X 26 Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac
Matlab 7 R14 and 2006a R15 25 (comprehensive of several toolboxes Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac
Femlab 3.2 (Prof. De Simone group) 1 Linux
Maple 10 (and Maple 9) 5 Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac
IDL 5.5 (only AP sector) 1 Linux
Libraries: Number of Network Licenses License Server Available Platforms
MKL (Lapack Intel) 2 Linux
Compilers: Number of Network Licenses License Server Available Platforms
Fortran Intel 8.X, 9.X (F77 and F90) 2 Linux
Fortran Portland 5.X, 6.X (F77 and F90) 1 Linux
C++ Intel 2 Linux
NAGWaref95 NAG 4.2 1 Linux
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