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Please note that

  • If you are connected to SISSA network with your laptop you can use mathematica using as license server.
  • It is the same using VPN at home (you are using SISSA network in this case too)

If you have a SISSA account (NOT a guest or visitor one) you can have a mathematica home license: use the following procedure:

  • Go to the web page; you will have some questions:
  • Activation Key, use this: L4698-8583
  • “What are you requesting? Click on “A new home-use license”
  • Then fill the following page with SISSA address and phone number (it is recommended to NOT insert your home address and phone, use SISSA address when asked for them)

When you fill every field SISSA administrators will receive an email to approve or not approve your request. When it will be approved you will receive a Wolfram email about your mathematica home license and how to use it.

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