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Every incoming e-mail is filtered by some e-mail filter rules, based on a language called Sieve and you can manage them using webmail service (Horde or Roundcube).

E-mail filters rules include: vacation, forward, spam filters, general filter rules. These 4 points (your main filter settings included) can be managed using webmail service ONLY (Horde or Roundcube).

The old one, based on Procmail, is now disabled.
All e-mail clients (pine, thunderbird, etc.) filter rules work after the rules managed through webmail service, so any e-mail client can not overwrite or overtake the rules fixed/managed through webmail service.

But remember that the settings defined using Horde are not exportable to Roundcube and viceversa.

If you define a rule through webmail service, this will be active until when you change or overwrite it. The activated filters are the ones which have been saved for last. This means for example that:

  • setting/modifying a configuration (filters too) using Roundcube will overwrite Horde rules and viceversa. So manage your configuration using always Horde or always Roundcube. For example: you have NOT to set forward and vacation with Horde and then spam filter settings with Roundcube… or viceversa.
  • but your can read/send/manage your e-mails using Roundcube, and use the filter settings set through Horde without any problem.

warning!To avoid any problem, to modify/enable/disable your e-mail filter rules use always the same webmail service. NOT BOTH!!

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