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Calendar services

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The calendar services permit the users to manage and use personal and group calendars. The service, implemented with a software called Sogo (Scalable Opensource Groupware by Inverse Inc.), has a web interface accessible at the address

Figure 1: Calendar login window

Login to the calendar interface with your username and password.

You can use the web inteface to setup and share your calendars.

To use calendars you have a choice between external clients that implements CALDAV protocol. The most popular are:

  • Mozilla Thunderbird with Lightning calendar extension for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
  • Mozilla Sunbird calendar application for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
  • Apple iCal for Mac OS X
  • Gnome Evolution for Linux

You should found other CALDAV enabled clients at the link: .

To access and use the calendar service follow those guides:

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