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Manage calendars with SOGo web interface

By default you have only one calendar, your “Personal Calendar”. Still, you may need to add several calendars – shared or personal – for specific working activities.

Click on the first left icon [New Calendar …] of the CALENDARS area.
The CALENDARS area is on the left of the main calendar window.

A new window will appear.

  • 1) Write the new calendar name. It must be unique in the list.
    • Please note: you are free to insert any name you prefer, but to distinguish clearly your personal calendars from shared calendars, we suggest you to use a prefix other users can easily understand. In our example we chose “shared-HE1year-lessons”, because it is going to be a shared calendar, ​​visible to all users having a SISSA e-mail box.
  • 2) Click on the OK button to save and create the new calendar.

Choose carefully the new calendar name.

The new calendar name will appear in your CALENDAR list.

To distinguish events belonging to different calendars:

Go to Sharing calendars / Calendar access rights page.

Delete a calendar

Please notice the different composition of:

  • your calendars — the default Personal Calendar and any additional calendar you created —;
  • shared calendar belonging to another user. The other user's “calendar owner” name appears after his/her calendar name. The calendars belonging to other users have to be removed from your main calendar list following the instructions in the Unsubscribe (remove) a calendar belonging to another user from your calendar list section.
  • 1) To delete one of YOUR calendars, click on the chosen calendar name (callsTOmake in the example) using the right button of the mouse;
  • 2) then click on Delete Calendar… from the drop down menu.

Chose carefully the calendar to delete.

A warning window will appear, confirm the operation clicking on the Yes button.
Now the deleted calendar name is no more present in your calendar list.

When you have more than one calendar (yours or shared calendars belonging to another user), it may be useful display or hide the content of a calendar using the square box located next to each calendar name in the CALENDARS area.
If you remove the check mark, the content of this calendar will be hidden. If a calendar is rarely used or it is not so important, hiding it may be a good choice, in order to reduce events' overlapping and complexity.

In the following example: 1) the content of the calendar named “shared-HE1year-lessons” is displayed in your main calendar window because 2) there is a check in the box next its name.
Check always your "CALENDARS" area.

You can also add to your calendars list a shared calendar created by another user (called in this section “calendar owner”).
Generally, this happens when a “calendar owner” decides to share his/her calendar with all SISSA users, as described in the Share a calendar with all users having a SISSA e-mail box page.

A “calendar owner” can share his/her calendar with a restricted list of users as described in the Share a calendar with one ore more specific users having a SISSA e-mail box page. If your are in this restricted list of users, the “calendar owner” can add directly his/her shared calendar to your calendar list, so you will find it without doing anything. BUT If the “calendar owner” forgets to subscribe his/her calendar to you OR you wrongly unsubscribe it, you can subscribe it by yourself using the same procedure.

Click on the third icon [Subscribe to a Calendar …] in the CALENDAR area on the left of your main calendar window.
Look for "Subscribe to a calendar ..."

A new window will appear:

  • 1) Insert a search string related to the “calendar owner”: username, first name or surname (prova in the example).
  • A list of users, the ones matched with the search string, are displayed in the box at the bottom.
  • 2) Click on the crossed box next to the “calendar owner” to expand its content.

Only users with a SISSA e-mail box could be included in the users' list.

Only the calendars for which the “calendar owner” set appropriated access rights will be displayed.

  • 1) Click on the calendar name you want to subscribe to (Lessons public calendar in the example);
  • 2) click on the Add button,
    • if there are other calendars which you which to subscribe, please repeat step 1) and 2) for each one, then …
  • 3) close this window by clicking on the Done button.

Select the calendar name which you wish to add to your calendar list.

Now you can see the just subscribed calendar in your calendar list. Please notice the different composition of this calendar name from other calendars you created.
After the just subscribed calendar name, there is the name of the "calendar owner".

Unsubscribe (remove) a calendar belonging to another user from your calendar list

Please notice the different composition of:

  • your calendars — the default Personal Calendar and any additional calendar you created —;
  • shared calendar belonging to another user. The other user's “calendar owner” name appears after his/her calendar name.
  • 1) To unsuscribe a shared calendar belonging to another user, click on the chosen calendar name (Lessons public calendar in the example) using the right button of the mouse;
  • 2) then click on Unsubscribe Calendar from the drop down menu.

The unsubscribed calendar is no more present in your calendar list.

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