Matlab Licenses

Since January 2015 SISSA has a Matlab Campus License. This means that

  • we have a large but limited number of licenses to run Matlab in your SISSA-workstations
  • you can now use ALL the Matlab toolbox (this will be starting from the last 2014b version)
  • each SISSA user (both staff AND students) has the rights to install **Matlab HOME license** versions on his laptop/desktop.

Each user in SISSA (both staff and students) with a SISSA email address, can install its own home license of Matlab.

If you do not have a SISSA e-mail (as for visitors who have a SISSA account without email) you can install and use Matlab only in SISSA network (using VPN at home). See here the instructions. These instructions are valid to install a Matlab version for PC inside SISSA (connected to the SISSA network)

Matlab HOME Licenses

Here are provided instructions on how to install your Matlab home

IMPORTANT NOTICE about MATLAB license: SISSA Matlab licenses are EDUCATIONAL licenses, so you cannot use Matlab for commercial use, including for profit activities.
Here the complete The MathWorks, Inc. Software License Agreement

Matlab UPDATE my Home License

Here you can find how to update your Matlab home license:

How Update My Home License

Matlab known bugs

1) Java problems: Matlab2012b and IOS El Captain

If you manage Java errors running Matlab2012b with IOS last versions, please follow the steps mentioned in the Mathworks Bug Report 1098655: the link for it is provided below:

Please download and install the patch suitable for R2012b by following the instructions in the above link.

Matlab Webinars and Free Online Training

You can find here (if the page shows an error, please, retry the next days: the Mathwork is re-activating the training online for SISSA users).
Matlab Registered Webinars
lots of Matlab Registered Webinars.

Each professors, researcher, student can access to the free Matlab Online Training, using the SISSA email (DO NOT use external email).
Here more information and subscription:

Matlab Free Online Training

The training is in English and do not requires interaction with teachers.

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