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on-line_resources:faq:server-ssh-sftp [2011/03/28 15:06]
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-====== ssh.sissa.it the new Common Access server instead of shannon.sissa.it ====== 
-[color=teal][size=15]The server shannon.sissa.it has been replaced.[/​size][/​color]\\ 
-The name of the new Common Access server is: **ssh.sissa.it** 
-This new server is configured for some simple operations only. 
-<color Maroon>​Any kind of graphic tools (gv, acroread, firefox, ...) and development tools (emacs, latex, gcc, ...) are not available.</​color>​ 
-The //shannon// name is still usable, but it will be removed in the near future.\\ 
-The new server is reachable using different names (ssh.sissa.it,​ sftp.sissa.it) depending on your account type. /** gruppo shannon */  \\ 
-All our users are able to use the SFTP service, but only the authorized users (generally permanent scientific staff, long-term scientific staff and students) are able to use the interactive SSH access (shell) too. 
-===== SFTP access: sftp.sissa.it ===== 
-**All the users** are able to use SFTP service to transfer files to/from their [[:​disk/​disksusage|own home & common scratch directories]] through the **sftp.sissa.it** server. 
-Using this service, __the prefix ''​**/​u**''​ on the home directory path is omitted__:​\\ 
-**///​sector/​username//​** instead of** ///​u/​sector/​username//​** 
-===== Interactive SSH access: ssh.sissa.it ===== 
-The **authorized users**, that login on **ssh.sissa.it**,​ are able to: 
-  * use pine; 
-  * manage their own files and directories (copy, delete, edit with vi or nano) on their [[:​disk/​disksusage|own home & common scratch directories]]. 
-The login through the server shannon to internal workstations is no more allowed.\\ 
-Internal workstations are reacheable (from outside SISSA network) through the VPN service ONLY. 
-<color Maroon>​Any kind of graphic tools (gv, acroread, firefox, ...) and development tools (emacs, latex, gcc, ...) are not available.</​color>​ 
-Remember: <color Maroon>​there is no software to display</​color>:​\\ 
-  * graphic files (like .jpg, .tiff, .png) or  
-  * graphic contents of document files (like .pdf, .doc, .xls). 