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SISSA Computing FAQ: about LATEX

It sometimes happens that you need a new version of some macro package or font; the correct approach is to create a private installation of (La)TeX which includes the new stuff you need.

Create in your home directory a subdirectory named texmf, using the following command:

mkdir ~/texmf

To be able to use your class files (with extension .cls) or style files (with extension .sty) using LaTeX:

  • 1) create in your main directory a subdirectory named texmf, using the following command: mkdir ~/texmf
  • 2) copy to this subdirectory the files *.cls or/and *.sty
  • 3) check which is your default shell using one of the following commands on a linux pc or on echo $SHELL
  • or if you do not obtain the information, please use: getent passwd yourusername | cut -d: -f7 (for example: getent passwd falco | cut -d: -f7 )

if the result is: /bin/bash

falco's shell is bash…
If you are using bash shell, add into the file .bashrc of your main directory the following line:


if the result is: /bin/tcsh

falco's shell is tcsh…
If you are using tsch shell, add into the files .cshrc of your main directory the following line:


The double slash, after $HOME/texmf, is not an error.

After you change the appropriate startup files, log out and log back in.


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